New Acropolis UK is a registered educational charity and part of an international network of affiliated organisations in more than 50 countries, working in the fields of Philosophy, Culture and Volunteering.
Our purpose is to provide a holistic philosophical education which can help human beings to understand and develop themselves and encourage people to work together in order to meet the challenges of our times.
We understand philosophy in its classical sense as philo-sophia – love of wisdom. Wisdom is practical and active rather than purely intellectual. It is knowing how to act, knowing what is 'good' and knowing which ends are worth striving for.
Philosophies of East & West
18-week Foundation Course
This 18-week foundation course will introduce you to the major concepts of Eastern and Western Philosophy, exploring their relevance and practical application for daily living.
Upcoming Courses & Events
Introductory Course
Thurs 27 of February, Tues 4 of March - 7 PM
Featured Articles

Eclecticism, searching for truth beyond fanaticism
“Eclecticism” is the name given to the philosophical position which, without objecting to anything a priori, analyzes and considers things, compares and relates them in search of the best of them all, with a view to finally selecting the one that is most qualified as worthy of acceptance. But this clear and concise definition, squarely facing the truth, is often forgotten in the common use of the term and the superficial interpretation of the concept. Thus, an "eclectic attitude" is usually understood as typical of pusillanimous and indecisive people, those one-eyed souls who see things but are unable to perceive them in depth and perspective. For them, "eclecticism" is about dialectical complexity... READ MORE

Beethoven: Artist and Hero
As we seek to understand how Beethoven explored the theme of the hero in his music, READ MORE

Why can't we communicate our feelings and thoughts?
One of the many paradoxes in life is that in our age of READ MORE

The Inner Gold of the Alchemists
Alchemy seems to be an almost universal science. Not only do we find it in READ MORE

Modern Mythology
Despite their universal existence in all civilizations and all times of history, myths have READ MORE